Co-Creating Community Narrations
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
CONCRIT - Community Narration 4 Critical Thinking 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006140


The aim of CONCRIT is to work towards a socially cohesive Europe, which requires self confident, fully informed and educated citizens.
In Europe many small solutions exist isolated or are created over and over again without being connected. CONCRIT aspires to connect those needs. In the initial assessment, the partners identified needs, which can be answered by a general learning path that should address challenges as lacking insight of how participation works, the general disenchantment of marginalised communities from politics and digital exclusion.
The educators seek learner driven tools, way to build a community and to de construct discriminatory stereotypes The learners need digital learning tools/ methods which engage and work with different communities and developing storytelling and group narratives as a method for civic education. The direct target groups of CONCRIT are adult educators, volunteers and community worker focused on civic education The indirect are learners, members of the marginalised communities and on a deeper level all European citizens.

Adapted Learning Path (IO2)
This toolkit is desgined to help adult educators to re-design and re-imagine their training plans on community narration for various contexts and target groups. The partners produced a learning path on how to adapt the general path to different situations.
The path contains 6 sample plans developed and tailored for the needs of the 6 partners plus instructions on how the paths might be altered and adapted.
CONCRIT Case Studies
This brochure contains 8 case studies that project
partners delivered in various community projects withdifferent groups of people. Each of the case studies assessed several important points
how critical thinking was used
how the participants use (or don’t use) digital media
how media literate the participants were
if there is a general or specific narrative in which thegroup; are defined by/fit into/understand/want/ ordon’t want to be defined
if the workshop/session/activities can be adapted for
other groups to use.
Learning Path (IO1)
This toolkit provides a learning path that enables people to cultivate and develop media literacies and digital skills in civic education. These new skills and understanding will give practitioners the confidence and ability to embed them into their practice and pass these skills on to benefit the individuals and communities with which they work.
The CONCRIT eBook comprises next to the learning paths, a deeper needs analysis and a set of educational recommendations co-created by the CONCRIT partnership.
CONCRIT Tools Wiki (IO3)
CONCRIT decided to create a full, interactive database on community narration, which can be edited, added and commented by anyone interested on the topic. As CONCRIT focused on co-creation and participation of communities the idea was born to create the repository in the form of a wikipedia. All data is open accessible, without registration. The wiki allows to add further methods.


The pathways that CONCRIT developed, provide a valuable resource for organizations that work with people who might not have access to cultural and social resources and cultural, social, and media participation.
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