Output I
Time to reflect//
Transnational Report
In the first phase of the project the Prospects in Peripheries partnership researched the chances and limitations in 7 peripheries across Europe.
Here you can read our findings.
Output II
Impacting Peripheries
We compiled sets of strategies, trainings and exercises to handle shared and specific challenges in peripheries across Europe.
For all your endevours to create opportunities in peripheries and beyond: Feel free to try this at home in your region.
​Translations of the Toolkit
Available in all partner languages:
​​Supplemental Material for Trainers
We invite you to try our detailed training schedules for the seven toolsets presented in our Toolkit.
Training 1: Personal Goal Mapping and Implementation Plan
Training 2: Projects in Peripheries
Training 3.1: IMPULSA Entrepreneurial Learning
Training 3.2: How to build Priority Hubs
Training 4: Intercultural Labyrinth
Training 6: PhotoVoice - Participatory Photography
To help you create your own modular Prospects in Peripheries Training, we offer you this template:
Template for planning your own PiP training