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Crossing Borders

A Space for Dialogue// 


Crossing Borders (CB)

Crossing Borders is a non-profit, civil society organization. Crossing Borders educates and empowers young people to become active global citizens. Across cultures and professions, we provide platforms for young people to cross-fertilise ideas and form global associations, networks, and communities worldwide. In a learning environment where all participants are encouraged to grow and learn from one another, we enable youth to share their best ideas, best products, and best practices.


In 1999, Crossing Borders started out as a project to support dialogue in the Middle East, and in 2004 it was registered as an NGO.


The same year, Crossing Borders became an official partner with UNESCO. In 2013, Dr. Mariano A. Davies became Chairman of the Advisory Board and in 2016 the Danish Photographer and author of the American Picture Jacob Holdt joined the Advisory board too. In 2017 Crossing Borders moved to the center of Copenhagen. In the same year Ambassador Zindzi N. Mandela became the Patron of Crossing Borders. In 2019, the Danish-Kurdish Author Sara Omar became the Life Ambassador of Crossing Borders.



We believe in a world where young people see themselves and are seen by society as active global citizens whose human, civic, and social rights are integrated and mainstreamed in the development policies of their home countries.



Our mission is to educate global citizens and raise awareness of educators on global issues with the aim to contribute to building a peaceful and sustainable world. This is done by providing capacity building and space for youth to take action and create space for dialogue.


Comparative Research Network

Bridging Science and Society// 


The Comparative Research Network was founded in 2007 and worked since then in the field of non-formal adult, youth and VET education and research.

CRN's activities are divided in three vertical fields: research, education and publication.


The research department

aims to bring social sciences closer to society. Research fields are among
others: European Borders, Civic Participation, Urban Issues, Peacebuilding and intercultural dialogue, diversity and citizens science.

Among other CRN is organising the Berlin Border Seminar, performing research on the impact of the Berlin Wall and seeking ways how to strengthen participation of citizens in civic education and city development.

The training department

is working on non-formal education in cross-sectoral approaches. Among other CRN is specialised in civic education and participation, cultural heriage, digital and media skills, storytelling, intercultural skills and creative social entrepreneurship.


The education department

is implementing training activities, train-the-trainer courses. It is developing methodological tool-kits, training plans and concrete tools such as online games, apps and handbooks.

The three columns are connected with two horizontal initiatives – the CRN Participatory Lab, combining research, education and publication of civic education and the CRN Peacebuilding Programme, which is performing research and training on civic dialogue, conflict management and peacebuilding in the Euromed, Eastern European and the Balkans.

The publication service of CRN is dedicated to publish OER, free-licence training materials, handbooks and support research publication. All books receive an ISBN and are featured in the
Archives of the German National Library.

Due to CRN being organised as a transnational network, it has an international scope. At the moment, it employs 4 permanent and around 10 freelance staff, and has a network of more than 120 members, located in almost every European country.

Major target groups of the CRN beside trainers are marginalized groups, such as migrants, people in conflict areas, seniors and unemployed. We work towards helping citizens in diverse neighbourhoods to participate, fight social exclusion and generally support the idea of a social cohesive Europe.




Inclusive Development for the Region of Malaga// 


The Asociación de Desarrollo Social Participativo IMAGINA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase an inclusive development of our territory in the interior the province of Malaga. This is done through the participation in the social and public life of the citizens, especially promoting the inclusion, equality of learning and mobility opportunities to young people in our territory.


IMAGINA was first established in May 9th of 2017. It was created due to the necessity of a group of young people to develop ideas and projects to work with young people about important themes such as the inclusion of people with functional diversity, gender equality, fight against racism and xenophobia through innovative and educational tools. The focus in the value of the resources of our region and the learnship through non formal education methodology and allow to develop key competences such as cultural expression, creativity, entrepreneurship and language learning.


In the beginning, IMAGINA was created as an informal group of young people in 2015 with the idea that any person who wanted to collaborate and be part of activities or to propose ideas for projects could do it. IMAGINA maintained this philosophy leads to the cooperation in projects between different entities and people. Also allowing young people, especially from rural villages to find in this association a tool to develop projects that promote values and development in their territory.


Karelian Insititute

​University of Eastern Finland//


Founded in 1971, the Karelian Institute is a unit in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies at the University of Eastern Finland. Staff consists of 6 professors, 30-40 researchers and 8-10 doctoral students. The Karelian Institute engages in basic and applied multi-disciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. Within the framework of its project activities, it supports the supervision of postgraduate studies and researcher training, and participates in undergraduate teaching. It also carries out commissioned research in connection with the university's societal service mission. The Institute is engaged in research in three overlapping thematic areas:


Regional and Rural Studies

Ethnicity and Culture

Borders and Russia.


The researchers participate in nationwide and international research networks and groups. In addition to their own research, the researchers work as experts in various projects and communities and participate in the public debate in Finland and globally. Commissioned research is organised at Spatia, the Centre for Regional Research, which is part of the Institute. VERA, the network of Russian and Border Studies, coordinates and promotes research and education programmes on Russian and Border Studies at the University of Eastern Finland.


Mine Vaganti NGO

Dynamic Social Entrepreneurs//

Mine Vaganti NGO is a non-profit organisation established in Sardinia in 2009, whose services encompass Education and Training, Project Design and Development, Thematic Research, International Mobility, and Consultancy - in Youth, Adults, Education and Sport sectors.


The organization has 3 offices divided between 3 cities of the northern Sardinia (Sassari, Olbia and Tempio-Pausania) and reaching out with its operational branches to many other regions in Italy,
around Europe and beyond.

MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social entrepreneurship, social inclusion through Sport, Formal and Non-Formal Education including disadvantaged targets as migrants and people with disabilities.


The core services proposed by MVNGO at local, regional and European level for public and private bodies are Training, Project Design and implementation, Thematic and Desk Research, International Mobility and Consultancy.


MVNGO promotes and develops European and transcontinental projects under Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, COSME, AMIF, JUSTICE, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe, EuropeAid, Life, the United Nations (UNDEF), and with foundations such as EYF, Fondazione
con il Sud, Anna Lindh and Open Society.





Poland //


Czestochowa Small Business Development Association is a non-profit organisation established in order to actively fight against unemployment, societies development and entrepreneurship development in the Silesia.


The Association conducts various training, workshops and advisory and conference activities. In order to support local involvement.


The Association also supports activities for the youngest inhabitants of the region, for which there are colonies, semi- colleges, junior colleges, international youth exchanges and training in the field of occupational health and safety in agriculture. It is involved in youth policy activities and is a member of the Rural Development Network.






Center for Lifelong Learning// 


KAINOTOMIA is a Center for Lifelong Learning (I.C.L.L) in Greece, operating in the field of Vocational education and training.


KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuous vocational training programs targeted at unemployed people, educators of all education levels, students of higher education, employed/self-employed persons and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and the society in general, through innovative close to market programs.


KAINOTOMIA provide business consultancy to companies & supporting services and consulting support services to trainees to facilitate their (re) entrance into the labour market and has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise regarding training in contemporary fields, matching them with those that have a high demand in job’s market, in order to develop trainees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards their integration in the labour market.


KAINOTOMIA has been participating in co-funded national projects under the name of “local development plans and entrepreneurship for unemployed based on specific local needs and growth potential”. Furthermore, it has participated in EU projects, under Erasmus+, as a coordinator and partner.


KAINOTOMIA works closely with various enterprises, having a network of over 60 collaborative partner businesses, mainly industries. Therefore, has a strong network of collaborating associations and partners in Greece and Europe. The organization collaborates with Region & Local Government, Universities and Technological Institutes and Private & Non-Private Companies in Greece and in Europe, is a member of Association of Thessalian in Enterprises and Industries and has strong collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas.

© 2021 by the Erasmus+ Partnership Prospects in the Peripheries.

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